54 research outputs found

    Methodological Approaches to Investigating Task-Based Language Teaching

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    This chapter provides an overview of key methods that are used to examine the role of tasks in second language performance and development. For each method, I provide a short description of the area(s) of research in which it is typically used, followed by examples to demonstrate how the method can be employed to investigate task-related issues. I also highlight and discuss the advantages and limitations associated with each method, and consider how potential limitations might be mitigated through careful design and implementation. Next, I turn to a discussion of some current issues in task-based language teaching research methodology, such as the tension between internal and ecological validity, the need for more developmental and longitudinal research to complement the current focus on task-based performance, the value of investigating task-based processes besides products, the advantages and challenges of triangulating data sources, and the importance of thorough data reporting and transparency

    Exploring task-based cognitive processes

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    This paper argues that TBLT researchers should dedicate more effort to investigating the cognitive processes in which L2 learners engage during task work to facilitate theory-construction and to inform pedagogical practices. To help achieve this, a review follows of various subjective (questionnaires, interviews, think-aloud/stimulated recall protocols) and objective (dual-task methodology, keystroke-logging, eye-tracking) methods that are available to TBLT researchers to examine cognitive processes underlying task-based performance. The paper concludes that, to obtain a more valid understanding of task-generated cognitive processes, it is best to combine various methods to overcome the limitations of each. Finally, some methodological recommendations are provided for future cognitively-oriented TBLT research

    Noise map: professional versus crowdsourced data

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pĂłsters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.The goal of the recent study is to evaluate the usability of the data measurement capability of an average smartphone and make a comparative study on available open source mobile applications potentially suitable to noise mapping. In the study a dataset generated by professional equipment was used as a reference. The study confirmed that the mobile applications running on the smartphones tested are not capable for scientific measurement although correlation suggest that calibration may lead to reasonably accurate noise level capture. The study also revealed that different mobile applications produce different outputs. These type of user generated noise measurements cannot substitute professional surveys but can contribute to noise monitoring to testing the effect of the action plans created by the settlements in order to reduce noise pollutions

    The Effects of Task Repetition on Child EFL Learners’ Oral Performance

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    While the role of task repetition has received much attention in task-based research, few studies have examined how exact task repetition affects the performance of child second language learners. Also, little is known about the impact of exact task repetition on trade-off effects between linguistic performance areas among child learners. To help fill this gap, we investigated the impact of task repetition on 40 Chinese EFL learners’ oral production. The children repeated the same story-telling task three times, and transcripts of their performance were coded for linguistic complexity, accuracy, and fluency. Complexity was expressed in terms of overall complexity and subordination and phrasal complexity. We assessed accuracy with weighted clause ratios and proportion of errors. Fluency was captured by repair and breakdown fluency measures. Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed positive effects for task repetition on fluency and accuracy. Trade-off effects observed during participants’ first performance had decreased by their third retelling. These results support Skehan’s (1998) Limited Capacity model and suggest that task repetition is a useful pedagogical tool in instructed child L2 contexts.Alors que le rĂŽle de la rĂ©pĂ©tition des tĂąches a reçu beaucoup d'attention dans la recherche sur l’apprentissage par tĂąches, peu d'Ă©tudes ont examinĂ© comment la rĂ©pĂ©tition exacte des tĂąches affecte la performance des enfants apprenant une L2. De plus, on sait peu sur l'impact de la rĂ©pĂ©tition exacte sur les effets de compensation entre les domaines de performance linguistique chez ces enfants. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'impact de la rĂ©pĂ©tition d’une tĂąche sur la production orale de 40 apprenants chinois d’anglais L2. Les enfants ont rĂ©pĂ©tĂ© la mĂȘme narration trois fois, et nous avons codĂ© les transcriptions de leurs performances pour la complexitĂ©, la prĂ©cision, et la fluiditĂ© linguistiques. La complexitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©e en matiĂšre de complexitĂ© globale, de subordination, et de complexitĂ© phrastique. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© la prĂ©cision Ă  l'aide de ratios pondĂ©rĂ©s de propositions et de la proportion d'erreurs. La fluiditĂ© a Ă©tĂ© saisie par des mesures de fluiditĂ© de rĂ©paration et de rupture. Des tests de rangs signĂ©s de Wilcoxon ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des effets positifs de la rĂ©pĂ©tition sur la fluiditĂ© et la prĂ©cision. Les effets de compensation observĂ©s lors de la premiĂšre performance avaient diminuĂ© lors de la troisiĂšme rĂ©pĂ©tition. Ces rĂ©sultats appuient le modĂšle de capacitĂ© limitĂ©e de Skehan (1998) et suggĂšrent que la rĂ©pĂ©tition des tĂąches est un outil pĂ©dagogique utile dans les contextes d'enseignement d’une L2 aux enfants

    Exploring the relationship of working memory to the temporal distribution of pausing and revision behaviors during L2 writing

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    This study examined the extent to which L2 writers with varied working memory display differential pausing and revision behaviors at different periods during writing. The participants were 30 advanced Chinese L2 users of English, who wrote an argumentative essay. While composing, participants’ keystrokes and eye-gaze movements were recorded to capture their pausing, revision, and eye-gaze behaviors. The working memory battery included tests of phonological and visual short-term memory and executive functions. We divided the writing process into five equal periods. The results revealed that participants’ pausing and revision patterns were consistent with previous findings that planning, linguistic encoding, and monitoring processes dominate the initial, middle, and later composing periods, respectively. Various working memory components had differential effects on pausing depending on period, largely reflecting the predictions of Kellogg’s (1996, 2001) model. However, we identified no differences in the temporal distribution of revision behaviors contingent on working memory

    Exploring the relationship of working memory to the temporal distribution of pausing and revision behaviors during L2 writing

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    This study examined the extent to which L2 writers with varied working memory display differential pausing and revision behaviors at different periods during writing. The participants were 30 advanced Chinese L2 users of English, who wrote an argumentative essay. While composing, participants’ keystrokes and eye-gaze movements were recorded to capture their pausing, revision, and eye-gaze behaviors. The working memory battery included tests of phonological and visual short-term memory and executive functions. We divided the writing process into five equal periods. The results revealed that participants’ pausing and revision patterns were consistent with previous findings that planning, linguistic encoding, and monitoring processes dominate the initial, middle, and later composing periods, respectively. Various working memory components had differential effects on pausing depending on period, largely reflecting the predictions of Kellogg’s (1996, 2001) model. However, we identified no differences in the temporal distribution of revision behaviors contingent on working memory

    Using eye-tracking as a tool to develop lexical knowledge

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    Eye-tracking is primarily used as a tool to capture attentional processes in second language (L2) research. However, it is feasible to design visual displays that can react to and interact with eye-movements in technology-mediated contexts. We explored whether gaze-contingency can foster L2 development by drawing attention to novel words reactively during reading. In particular, we investigated whether the acquisition of lexis can be facilitated by interactive glosses, that is, making glosses visually salient when triggered by fixations on a target word. We found that interactive, gaze-contingent glosses led to more and longer fixations at target words and glosses but did not lead to superior performance in recognition scores. We observed, however, an interaction between interactivity and form recognition, with more gloss fixations being associated with better performance under the interactive, but with worse outcomes in the non-interactive, condition. We attributed this difference to distinct motivations for viewing glosses in the groups

    A közösségi anyagcsere vizsgålata anaerob deklorinåció sorån = Investigations on the community metabolism in anaerobe dechlorination

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    A rövidszĂ©nlĂĄncĂș alifĂĄs klĂłrozott szĂ©nhidrogĂ©nek gyakori talajvĂ­zszennyezƑk hazĂĄnkban. A perklĂłretĂ©n, triklĂłretĂ©n biolĂłgiai bontĂĄsa hatĂ©kony folyamat, mĂ©gis nagy sebessĂ©gkĂŒlönbsĂ©gek jellemzƑk kĂŒlönbözƑ szennyezett terĂŒleteken. A reduktĂ­v deklorinĂĄciĂłban a klĂłrozott vegyĂŒletek elektronakceptorok, elektrondonor a hidrogĂ©n, vagy kis molekulatömegƱ szerves vegyĂŒletek. A folyamat elindulĂĄsĂĄhoz a deklorinĂĄlĂł baktĂ©riumoknak felĂŒl kell kerekedniĂŒk a kompetĂ­tor mikrobĂĄkon, amelyek szintĂ©n hidrogĂ©nt Ă©s szerves vegyĂŒleteket hasznosĂ­tanak. Szennyezett terĂŒletekrƑl szĂĄrmazĂł mikrobaközössĂ©gek szerkezetĂ©t, tagjainak szerepĂ©t laboratĂłriumi körĂŒlmĂ©nyek között polifĂĄzikus mĂłdszerekkel vizsgĂĄltuk, Ășj molekulĂĄris technikĂĄkat vezettĂŒnk be a mikrobĂĄk közötti anyagcsere-kapcsolatok megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©re. MegĂĄllapĂ­tottuk, hogy sikeres deklorinĂĄlĂł közössĂ©gben jellemzƑ a Dehalococcoides ethenogenes dominanciĂĄja; a mikrobiĂĄlis diverzitĂĄs csökkenĂ©se. A lebontĂĄs folyamatĂĄt fermentĂĄlĂł szervezetek jelenlĂ©te lassĂ­tja, akĂĄrcsak a kometabolikus partnerek gĂĄtlĂĄsa. HatĂ©kony bontĂĄs sorĂĄn biofilm kialakulĂĄsa jellmezƑ Ă©s elengedhetetlen kellƑ mennyisĂ©gƱ hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑ szerves anyag jelenlĂ©te. NĂ©gy Ășj mĂłdszert (MDA, SNuPE, SEM Ă©s FISH) optimĂĄltunk a deklorinĂĄlĂł mikroba közössĂ©g vizsgĂĄlatĂĄra. MegĂĄllapĂ­tottuk, hogy a valĂłs aktivitĂĄssal jobban korrelĂĄlĂł RNS alapĂș vizsgĂĄlatok szĂŒksĂ©gesek a deklorinĂĄciĂłban rĂ©sztvevƑ mikrobiĂĄlis kapcsolatok feltĂĄrĂĄsĂĄhoz. | Chlorinated short chain aliphatic hydrocarbons are common groundwater pollutants in Hungary. Biological decomposition of perchloroethene and trichloroethene is effective process, though speed of decomposition extremely differ in different sites. At reductive dechlorination chlorinated hydrocarbons serve as electron acceptors, H2 or small organic compounds act as donors. At startup of degradation dechlorinating microbes have to outcompete compeptitor microbes utilising similarly H2 and organic compounds. Microbial communities originating from different polluted sites and the role of their members in the community dechlorinating metabolism were investigated under controlled laboratory microcosm experiments using polyphasic approach, and by introducing new techniques. It could be determined that effective dechlorinating communities are characterised by the dominance of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes, and a simplification of the original diversity. The presence of fermenting microbes retards the speed of degradation; the inhibition of co-metabolic partners acts similarly. Effective degradation is characterised by Dehalococcoides spp. biofilm formation, and presence of adequte available organic compounds is indispensable. Four novel methods (MDA, SNuPE, SEM and FISH) were optimised for the investigation of dechlorinating communities. RNA based investigations better correlate real activities thus their use is indispensable in the investigation of microbial metabolic interactions

    Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances

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    International audienceSevere plastic deformation (SPD) is effective in producing bulk ultrafine-grained and nanostructured materials with large densities of lattice defects. This field, also known as NanoSPD, experienced a significant progress within the past two decades. Beside classic SPD methods such as high-pressure torsion, equal-channel angular pressing, accumulative roll-bonding, twist extrusion, and multi-directional forging, various continuous techniques were introduced to produce upscaled samples. Moreover, numerous alloys, glasses, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers, and their composites were processed. The SPD methods were used to synthesize new materials or to stabilize metastable phases with advanced mechanical and functional properties. High strength combined with high ductility, low/room-temperature superplasticity, creep resistance, hydrogen storage, photocatalytic hydrogen production, photocatalytic CO2 conversion, superconductivity, thermoelectric performance, radiation resistance, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility are some highlighted properties of SPD-processed materials. This article reviews recent advances in the NanoSPD field and provides a brief history regarding its progress from the ancient times to modernity
